Offering in-person counseling in a home-like environment or convenient, focused sessions online…
We look perfect on the outside.
I can’t tell you how often others tell us we’re a “power couple” – how much they’d like to have a relationship like ours.
They praise us with such admiration, lauding how well we balance parenting while climbing the ladder of success.
He is admired at his company, leading multiple teams, traveling 2-3 times a month for training, and implementing strategies that set the bar high for all his peers.
And I hold it all down. I lead multiple projects, balance home responsibilities, and take our kids to all their extracurricular activities.
But behind closed doors…
More nights than not, we sleep in different places. I can’t tell you the last time we enjoyed being in the same bed.
We play it off well, though. Our children don’t even know. Our oldest asked the other day why dad was sleeping on the couch, and we responded, “He isn’t feeling well and doesn’t want to get mom sick.” She probably knows something is up, though.
Here’s the scary thing: We don’t yell or fight, but the silence and coldness are sometimes paralyzing.
I believe and hold out hope that love isn’t lost, but with each cold stare and terse exchange, I find myself pulling away more and more.
We are great parents, but where’s the romance, connection, and partnership?
“She…” and “He…”
She is always tired, and nothing I do seems appreciated. I work tirelessly to provide for our family, earning promotion after promotion for the effort I put in at work. But when I walk through the door at home, I feel like an intruder.
There’s a woman I work with who always compliments my achievements, notices how well I’m dressed, and checks in on me throughout the day. I’m thinking about taking her up on her offer to grab lunch.
His touch once brought security and comfort. Now, he just looks at me with hate and disdain. He never helps with the kids or the management of our home. He just comes in and retreats to his office down the hall.
I have to be honest: One of my male colleagues has been giving me a lot of attention lately, and it feels good to feel seen, wanted, and desired.
We can’t go on like this!
If you haven’t already violated each other’s love and trust, you’re on that road.
Identifying the pain in relationships is easy. And what people don’t always realize is that many couples are so accustomed to that pain that its predictability becomes comforting. It never ends well, though. These couples end up separated, divorced, or staying together for the kids and becoming disgruntled roommates.
If you’re here, you’re probably in a cycle of…
Blame – “You don’t love me how I should be loved.”
Shame – “I must have done something wrong, or there must be something wrong with me if my partner is withdrawing their love.”
You then protect yourself by…
Controlling – Insisting on your will to feel safe regardless of its effect on others.
Escaping – Withdrawing and turning toward others, substances, or something else to avoid conflict or pain.
Unaddressed, these ways lead to separation, divorce, emotional distance, affairs, or staying together for the kids as disgruntled roommates (or all of the above).
But you can get it all back!
Most couples counseling can help you identify how well you fight or the pains of your relationship.
We are here to take you further. We’ll walk with you as you work through violations while grounding you in sustainable love and trust.
The hurt and pain are real. We’ll give credence to that pain while teaching you how to regulate those difficult emotions. This will help you engage from a place of peace instead of hostility because you’ll be grounded in the truth of who you really are.
The beauty of truth is that it doesn’t depend on how we “feel” it’s true. It’s unwavering. Life’s circumstances, strains in relationships, and the past can easily shade the truth of who we are and cause us to feel unloved, unseen, inadequate… the list goes on.
This doesn’t have to be the norm in your relationship.
Let’s get to work!
The taproot of oak and pine trees goes deep into the ground, creating a solid foundation for these trees to live for up to a thousand years.
No matter the issues you face in your relationship, let’s work through the hurt and pain and establish a firm foundation grounded in love and trust.
You can start right now!
Call us today to schedule your free 20-minute consultation: (512) 831-7676.