This isn’t an exclusion of females but a direct message to men seeking to work through life’s issues.
Where are my fellas??
The pressures of providing for your family…
Working to take the next step at your job…
Your testosterone levels are down…
Talking about this stuff with the boys can feel weird.
Sometimes “manning up” and willpower aren’t enough.
We continue to get up and do what we do…
But the drive seems to be fading.
It’s easy to wonder what your purpose in life is.
Maybe you’ve checked in with Dr. Google…
… and found that you’re experiencing signs of depression or anxiety.
Or maybe the pressures of life are just getting you down.
Whatever it is, you probably feel vulnerable and depleted.
It’s becoming less stigmatizing for men to seek therapy.
That’s especially true for me with a little extra melanin… and that’s a good thing. We haven’t fully arrived, but I believe we are headed in the right direction.
I vividly remember a gentleman struggling with some things and needing help. So, his wife set up an appointment for him to meet with me.
He walked into my office without knowing anything about me. Shocked, he said, “Where’s your sweater vest and penny loafers? And you’re black… and a dude!”
Clearly, I didn’t match his image of a therapist.
But that helped bring his walls down.
I could relate to him as a man, so he could relax, be vulnerable, and share what was going on in his life.
It’s a privilege to offer therapy to males 15 and up from all backgrounds. I bring a raw, direct, compassionate approach you’ll relate to and benefit from.
Whether you’re coming in for couples or individual therapy, sometimes it’s nice to have another male to talk to.
There’s no need to put it off any longer.
If you’ve been struggling and considered talking to someone, I hope you’ll reach out to me.
As a bonus, you can get your edge up when you come, too! We have a barber in the building, so you can kill two birds with one stone!
Let’s work together to improve your mental health.
Call today for your free consultation: (512) 831-7676.