
Therapy for Women

Depressed,african,american,young,woman,sit,at,home,feel,desperateOh, what a time to be a woman.

Although things are changing, women face many unique challenges at home and in the office.

Appearance – Society expects us to adhere to beauty standards – what we wear, our hairstyle (beware of gray hairs), manicures that sparkle, etc. How do these expectations make us feel? Right, we are not pretty enough or don’t look professional enough – making us worry even more about our weight and overall appearance.

Balancing career vs. family – It’s not uncommon for both partners to work full-time. Yet, the woman bears the brunt of childbearing, raising the children, and being a wife, while lacking childcare and experiencing workplace discrimination. If we are ambitious in our careers, people assume we are terrible spouses and mothers. How do we maintain that balance?

Equality in the workplace – We receive less pay, recognition, and opportunity for advancement in the workplace relative to our male counterparts. People judge us if we have mood swings or emotional outbursts during a particular time of the month, unlike males who occasionally lose their temper. Keep smiling regardless of how we feel!

Relationships – Maintaining a positive relationship with a partner is challenging, especially when child raising, finances, cheating, domestic abuse, and other issues create a rift between partners.

With pressure comes problems.

The above are a few challenges women face, which can influence a woman emotionally and physically.

Balancing the to-do list can create burnout, creating a sense of depression. Worrying about family, friends, the job, home life, and other issues can initiate sleeplessness and stress that can impact our physical well-being.

Raising children and worrying about their future and safety make it hard to find a balance, especially while trying to maintain a career.

Struggling with these pressures makes us wonder, “When will we ever feel good enough? Is there anywhere we can feel accepted?”

Ladies, here’s a place designed for YOU.

At Whole Life Priorities, we understand that being a woman is one of the most challenging jobs, yet you do it daily. Sometimes you feel burnt out or overwhelmed, but that’s ok.

I know firsthand it’s not easy being a woman, and you don’t have to face it alone. If you feel overwhelmed or burnt out from the world’s pressures, let’s talk. 

Reach out for your free consultation by calling (512) 831-7676.